How To Rewrite Boring Essay Topics To Catchy Ones: Let's Practice Together

One of the reasons why it is important to ensure that any topics you use as interesting as possible as it helps to catch the eye of the reader. Essentially, people are less likely to want to read any work that you have written if the initial title doesn’t appear to be interesting - in other words, you can write the most interesting and entertaining essay imaginable, but if the title is boring, it might be that nobody is interested in reading it.

For example, take a list of topics below - are there any that you find interesting? Perhaps you could try rewriting them to make them as catchy as possible.

  • In relation to racial discrimination, what has Barrack Obama’s presidency done to minimize discrimination against black people?
  • Margaret Thatcher was the United Kingdom’s first female Prime Minister. How significant was this for the United Kingdom?
  • Are there any advantages of keylogging programs for parents who wish to control access to the home computer, so that their children do not view unsuitable material?
  • How can criminals use computer software to gain important information, including details of passwords and other safety features?
  • Towards the beginning of the 21st century, a series of protests led to what became known as the Arab Spring, I’m sure a great deal of political upheaval, including the overthrow of various dictators. What has been the consequence and aftermath in the region of the political events of that time?
  • What impact do volcanoes and other natural phenomena and have on global warming, and should we be worried about massive volcanic eruptions threatening our way of life?
  • Do you think that there are any noticeable effects as a result of pollution in your country which impact upon the global climate?
  • What does the famous quote “Ich bin ein Berliner”, made by JFK, tell us about the importance of understanding differences in language and culture?
  • Marco Rubio said, “Ultimately, your economy has to be measured in the real eyes of real people, not simply in statistics that appear in newspapers about the unemployment rate and so forth. “ How much do you agree with this?
  • What does the following misquote - attributed to William Churchill - tell us about the way in which wars are remembered according to who won them: “History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it”?

Find more topics and ideas at AssignmentGeek.
